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Article: Frames: Baroque: Regence

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"A Brief History of Frames - Baroque: Regence"

(© Copyright 2012, John O'Keefe Jr.)
Publisher: Painting Frames Plus
(Published Date: )
(Modified Date: 2016)

Regence: Period: 1715-1723

The Regence is the period in French history between 1715 and 1723, when the land was governed by Philippe d'Orleans (Regent during the time that King Louis XV was a minor). Philippe was the nephew of Louis XIV.

Regence Frame:

"In the early 18th century the Louis XIV styles blended into the Regency frame style (c.1715-1723) which placed greater emphasis in the corners and centers. (figure 1) The organic decorations in the corners and centers often overlapped the panel and flowed into the sight edge. (figure 2) The full Regency style was opulent as well as delicate, with the order and linearity of this period giving way to the swirling delicacy of the Rococo." [1]

It was during this time that the swept profile, common to the Rococo style frames, made its appearance. The reposes on the Regency style are typically straight, whereas the reposes of Rococo frames is curved. (figure 2)

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  1. Diane Day, A Survey of Frame History, Part IV: Louis XV and Louis XVI Frames, (Oct. 1998)


  • Diane Day, A Survey of Frame History, Part IV: Louis XV and Louis XVI Frames, (Oct. 1998)
  • www.wikipedia.org, "Regence", (Retrieved 8/20/12)