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Website Survey

We would like your feedback on the Painting Frames Plus website. It is our goal for the website to be user friendly and informative. Please take a few moments to complete this online survey.

* = Required

Demographic Questions

 * What is your approximate age? 
 * What is your gender? 
 * What is your Profession? 
 * Did your visit to Painting Frames Plus pertain to work or was it personal

Survey Questions

 * How often do you visit our website? 
 * How would you rate the amount of content on our website? 
 * How would you rate the quality of content on our website? 
 * How would you rate the organization of our web site? 
 * How would you rate the visual appeal of our website? 
 * Did you find what you were looking for? 
 * How does our website compare to similar websites you have visited? 
 * How do you rate our website overall? 
 * How likely are you to recommend our website to someone else? 
( characters remaining)
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